Raanan Shamir

Paediatric Nutrition Expert
Tel Aviv University

Dr. Raanan Shamir is Professor of Pediatrics, Chair, Eduarda and Dr. Moshe Ishay Institute for the Study of the Effects of Natural Food on Human Health, and the Lea and Arieh Pickel Chair for Pediatric Research at the Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, and Chairman of the Institute of Gastroenterology, Nutrition and Liver Diseases at Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel.

He currently sits on numerous committees, including: Member of the National Council on Gastroenterology, Nutrition and Liver Diseases, Member of the ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism) Advisory Board, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Nutrition and Growth Network, Member of the UEG (United European Gastroenterology) Research Committee. , and member of the Sustainable Nutrition Scientific Board, and is the co-editor for the Pediatric Section of Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.

Dr. Shamir is a Past President of ESPGHAN and a previous Editor of JPGN (Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition). Dr. Shamir has published more than 500 original papers, reviews and comments, book chapters and guidelines. His current research areas include pediatric nutrition, nutrition and growth, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and childhood hyperlipidemia.