All eyes are on Marseille this September, for the IUCN World Conservation Congress

This congress takes place every four years, and indeed the last event was scheduled for 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic made that impossible, but the event is now rescheduled for September 2021 and will be held in Marseille, France.

The event is of global importance, and covers all themes, via workshops, lectures etc a range of themes all closely connected to sustainability in a very wide sense.

The event opens on September 3rd, and the closing ceremony will take place on September 10th (with pre and post-congress meetings lying on either side of the actual congress dates). It will be the first in-person and virtual environmental event held since the pandemic began, and the congress aims to drive nature-based recovery, climate change and biodiversity post-2020.

SNSB will be paying particularly close attention to events, as the congress is so closely aligned with our particular area of focus, and we share many areas of specific common interest, as well as several common goals.

Direct involvement of the public (free, no registration and open for 8 days) is in the form of the Nature Garden Areas which will assist in increasing awareness in the general population around the sensitive subjects of the pressures on our planet and impact on the ecosystems of our current behaviours and looking to discover future models. Again, at SNSB we are fully committed to both macro and micro awareness and change and embrace all projects involving not only the global field experts on the subject matters in hand but also directly involving families, individuals, the old, the young and the in-between.

Nutrition sustainability and healthy populations cannot be achieved by scientists and their sophisticated tools alone. We all have a part to play, albeit big or small, in changing our world. Only together, all of us, can we make a real difference.